Wednesday 11 January 2017

Adasa Heritage site

Having spent almost a decade in Nagpur , I feel funny to hear from people that there aren't enough tourist spot's in and around Nagpur. So I have taken up this task to rediscover my land again, for the world to know.I reboot my journey with God of all beginnings Lord Ganesha..

Just 30 kms away from Nagpur lies a beautiful Village Adasa. It is said that this village has a 4000 year old temple on a small hillock !  According to my little knowledge , temples started sprouting all over India around 2000 years back that is during vedic times, before that forces of nature like ( sun , water, mountains , air etc were worshiped) ! Local legends about Adada say that , during Ramayana , when Lakshman was Moorchit and Lord Hanuman was asked to get Sanjeevni booti from a Mountain, Monkey god got confused and could not locate the specific herb, instead he unearthed the entire mountain and carried it with him. During his journey, they say a part of that mountain fell here and still stands as modern Adasa.

Glued to all these stories, We finally landed there on the last day of 2016!

Wow! what beauty we witnessed...Its a photographers paradise...the Temple is on top of a Mini Hill...

Rocks of all shapes and sizes decorate the path to the top of the temple..definitely a great spot for selfies and profile pics...The view of the quaint little village from the top is not to be missed at any cost...Absorbing all this around we reached our destination.

View of Village from the temple

There is a proper parking area for vehicles. Drinking water and washrooms( though not very clean) are available.

Mukhya temple - Lord Ganesha

The main temple belongs to Ganesha, Standing 20 feet high lord Ganesha smiles at you as you enter the Garbha griha. It is a sayambhu Idol of Ganapati and is visible upto navel. Maharashtra tourism board says that this Image of Ganesh at Adasa is one of the 12 ganapatis described in Ganeshapurana. I had been to Adasa few years back, The area has been given a face lift ! But, I feel maintaining and repairing heritage sites is vital, but doing it in a proper way is a must ! They should be repaired in a way that their originality ( Ancient look) is not lost in the process...

Ruins found at temple premise.

Photography at the garbha griha is not permitted.Total 12 temples including the main temple can be found in the temple complex.

Do not forget to try local delicacy -Zunka bhakri...Definitely a great place to spend a day with family during winter vacations !

Would end this with a promise to come back again, with more on Nagpur...

Om shree Ganehshay Namah.....


  1. Good one....eager for more....God Bless.

  2. Beautiful description Ruchi. Hope this blog will take us to the different parts of the country. Best wishes and waiting for the next one.
